What They Know and We Don’t

We asked insiders and experts from various industries to tell us something they think outsiders are unaware of and we’ve shared a few of those responses below.
I work in the field of positive youth development, specifically in the space of youth mentoring. Positive youth development is an intentional, pro-social approach that engages youth within their communities, schools, organizations, peer groups, and families in a manner that is productive and constructive; recognizes, utilizes, and enhances youths’ strengths; and promotes positive outcomes for young people by focuses on their strengths, using a growth mindset approach to supporting young people and seeing them as assets to our communities as opposed to deficit. At FRIENDS FIRST our positive youth development approach of choice is peer mentoring. When most people think of youth mentoring, they think of adult to child and 1 on 1. Read more>>
Environmental protection should be common sense and common ground. How could you disagree with the defense of the air, water, land, and climate? The very systems that support every single aspect of life on Earth? Including every person you know and love? Unfortunately, many people are unware that the protection and restoration of the environment is underfunded, underrepresented, and outrageously polarized in the US. Take federal funding for the US Environmental Protection Agency for instance. There is currently a proposed 26% decrease in funding for the EPA in FY21. If approved, this would slash an already bare bones budget. The picture is not brighter at the grassroots level, with charitable funding for the environment only being about 3% of total US annual charitable giving. Read more>>
When people think of business owners, what automatically comes to mind is the entrepreneurship glam. The whole “I work for myself” mindset, the traveling, being your own boss, and the ability to make your plans and adjust your schedule according to your personal plans. Reality is, you work 24/7. You’re the founder, CEO, sales rep, driver, janitor, content creator, and the only one to blame for small and big decisions in your business. Also, being in the digital marketing segment means a lot of top quality competitors; our 20+ years of experience is our superpower, though. It used to feel like a weakness of mine, which has now been revealed as my advantage, and prospects can see that. Read more>>