We’ve always believed that forming a strategy is impossible until your clear on what your values and principles are. Without values and principles to guide you, making decisions can seem impossibly difficult. Given how important setting values and principles is to decision making we asked folks we admire to tell us about the values or principles that matter most to them.

Jade Lascelles | writer, editor, and musician

Lately I have been devoting myself more actively to curiosity, having that be the primary driving force in the work I’m doing. I’ve come to realize that anytime things feel stagnant or disappointing, it is because I have let my curiosity wane. Sometimes this happens due to burnout or stress or being distracted by other life things. Read more>>

Sarah Austin | Aerospace Engineer and Content Creator

I firmly believe that STEM is for everyone. There’s a common misconception that you need to be naturally gifted at math or inherently smart to succeed in STEM, and I strongly disagree. In college, I actually failed my very first Physics test. Yet, here I am, ten years later, working in the aerospace industry and contributing to the design of lunar landers and satellites. Read more>>

Elizabeth Sterling | Integrative Hypnotist and Coach

Curiosity is my leading light. I’ve always loved learning and the more that I let myself lean into curiosity, the smoother everything flows. It fuels me! That process of being curious and then satisfying that desire to know through asking questions, reading, experimenting and exploring new things keeps me going. It is a never ending source of fascination. Read more>>