Meet Christina McCoy | Holistic healer & herbalist
We had the good fortune of connecting with Christina McCoy and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Christina, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
So my whole business idea came about because one day my cousin took me to this book store in L.A to get a Qur’an, which is a muslim bible but as I walked into the store I noticed it was filled with a bunch of natural body oils and soap and it immediately caught my attention. I think we’ve all heard of shea butter and coconut oil before, but I’ve never had a soap made of those oils and I’ve never had an all natural body oil so I bought 2 soaps and a body oil. I was so excited to try it so as soon as I got home I showered and used the shea butter soap. As soon as I stepped out of the shower and was drying off, I noticed I was super ashy lol and I was like oh no, why is my skin this dry? Isn’t shea butter suppose to have me all soft and moisturized? So I looked at the ingredients and noticed it wasn’t a completely natural soap because it still had synthetic ingredients that contribute to dry/irritated skin.
So I immediately went on google and researched for myself how are 100% natural soaps made and if its even possible to create and I quickly found out it was definitely possible. So that’s when I realized, majority of the soaps/skincare on the market is filled with synthetic detergents to cut corners. 100% Natural soaps are a bit more expensive to make because you’re using high quality, unrefined plant oils and butters to create a rich, creamy & moisturizing bar of soap and most brands, since they are mass producing don’t want to spend the money to make an authentic product. So I made a promise to myself I would take the time to learn how to make it and heal my own skin first and once I did that, I would become of value to others and now here I am!
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
What im most proud of and what makes me stand out is my authenticity and transparency about everything I create and do here at Dream! My personality & my intentions always being pure. I show up as myself, and the way I’ve had success is just by teaching and being as informative as possible about my products. A lot of my supporters appreciate who I am as a person first, so them also being able to witness me do what I love and im teaching them the importance of it along the way and how it will benefit them, just naturally builds trust and makes them want to support me and my creations.
When it comes to the skincare industry, it’s soooo many skincare brands out there but you gotta ask yourself, how many of them are truly authentic and have your best interest at heart? Not many. Majority cut corners and are filled with synthetic ingredients we can’t even pronounce so people appreciate me giving them high quality skincare that they don’t normally have access to!
Being an entrepreneur is definitely not easy lol, no dream in life that you go after will ever be easy but it should definitely be worth it to you! I overcame challenges just by being resilient , having a solid support system and knowing my setbacks and failures haven’t been for any reason other than teaching me valuable lessons that allowed me to be better at what I do and building mental strength , knowing I can overcome any obstacle that may seem insurmountable.
I’ve learned the importance of having a solid business plan, money management , the importance of being a leader and staying true to yourself and what your brand represents. I am very proud of where I am now, but this is still only the beginning for me!
I want the world to know. that im a 23 year old black woman from Los Angeles California that brings true value to her community and anyone I cross paths with. I’m not rich, nor do I have a bunch of resources like other skincare brands such as Dove & Olay for example, but I’m still providing the highest quality skincare to those around me without cutting any corners because I feel like that’s what we all deserve. All the things we need to heal ourselves can be found in nature , not in a lab. I just want to continue to bring more awareness to all the ways mother nature provides healing and how taking care of our skin, our bodies, our mental and spiritual well being can help us all reach the highest and most powerful versions of ourselves.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
If my best friend was in town id take her to this authentic Chinese restaurant on University Blvd, called “Yum Yum Spice” , the food is always so fresh and the customer service was always great! I also think Wash park is a great place to get some fresh air, see beautiful flowers and trees and just a beautiful place to walk around and catch up! I would also probably see if there’s any concerts going on at Ball arena because they always have a lot of fun events going on!
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I’d love to shoutout my mom Terri, my boyfriend Kyle, my brother Jonathan and his wife Ashley and also my cousin Tyler and his girlfriend Briana! This has been my solid support system throughout this entire journey and each of them have played a huge role in keeping me grounded, inspired & always rooted in faith. I appreciate them beyond what words can express.
Instagram: dreaminfinitexo
Image Credits
I take all of the photos on my website and for my business page! It’s one of my favorite parts of it all! Capturing the beauty of the final product 😁