Meet Kyle Asperger | Founder/Creative Director of Studio 301

We had the good fortune of connecting with Kyle Asperger and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Kyle, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success?
Applying Pressure
“No Pain, No Gain”, ever omniscient and looming in bold blue lettering throughout my highschool gymnastics career. Back then, when bleeding profusely, pushing through muscle soreness, the phrase held a literal meaning for my young mind.
It has taken up until the last two years for “No Pain, No Gain” to sink in on a visceral, fuller level though.
Let me illustrate further by shedding light on; comfort. A word society strives to achieve constantly and without yield. “Sleep comfortably.” “No, I’m not comfortable singing at GamGam’s funeral.” “I want to have enough money to live comfortably.”
Comfort is crucial.
Sure, when you’re talking about briefs, bras and bustiers and the holding power that today’s undergarments afford our bits n’ bobs. Comfort truly is king.
That said, outside of the aforementioned, I’m firmly of the mindset that comfort is crippling.
Comfort is synonymous with stagnation. Stagnation doesn’t feature growth. It merely embraces the current state of affairs with open arms and does not seek to refine. At least that’s what happened in my storyline when I lost sight of what could be.
Capital came flowing in on a monthly cadence with the reassurance that it wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Deadlines were met. Relationships maintained. Contractors were taken care of. Clients, in the general sense, were satisfied.
Nothing, at face value, was out of place for me.
I was f*cked, plain n’ simple. Not the fun kind featured on the brand new comfy memory foam mattress either, but the silent kind that doesn’t present itself until it’s too late. Like that uncle that likes to hide behind corners and jump out at an unsuspecting passerby whilst featuring warthog-esque grunts and snorts.
If you’re lucky enough to have never experienced a lingering fear of those animalistic tendencies… you’ve been spared.
Each of us is walking around with a super computer in our heads. How many of us actually engage that word processor to its full potential though?
A percentage so small I’m not even comfortable putting a number to it.
Growth is inspired under pressure.
How does one arrive at a place where they openly welcome a challenge with the learned knowledge that what’s on the other end is a beautiful, shining tidbit of knowledge or understanding gained?
Winner winner, impossible burgers with gluten free buns for dinner (trying to be inclusive here).
I have a simple, actionable plan for you. But first, let me introduce you to my sales funnel, the one you’ve already fallen down if you’re still reading (cue devilish laugh)…
Step 1: Follow your own hyper personal, likely incredibly non-linear path.
Step 2: Listen and learn from yourself (your intuition is strong). And maybe, just maybe, through an amalgam of events and happenings both spontaneous and otherwise, your understanding of love, life and what it means for you to be happy can become realized.
Wow, how does one achieve such an easy step-by-step process?
Admire your positioning in history, in business, in relationships, and in that exact moment in time. Appreciate it, embrace it. Realize it. Analyze it, fully. Then refine.
Humans are my tonic in most all facets of life. People provide conversation, opportunities to learn, open new doors, and inspire change, both in others and within.
Conversations have led me to a metaphorical fork in the road many times. One route will lead me down smooth roads, far as the eye can see, straight into a never ending sh*t storm. The other is pocked with chuck holes, blockades and life-affirming sun drenched vistas.
One route will provide endless, numbing comfort due to its pristine roads. The other will wear on your vessel, giving it character and meaning.
Find yourself amidst a bumpier path and you will do just that…see yourself more fully.
Prioritize yourself by applying pressure (challenging, refining, defining, and thus loving), then life, business, relationships, and the word ‘fuck’ will all hold greater meaning.
Perhaps you’re like me in that when your supercomputer undergoes a system reboot, it’s induced by a simple phrase…
“Fuck me.”
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Studio 301 is a ghost production house that integrates within teams to strategize and build out visual storytelling elements for brands of all kinds.
We specialize in photo, video and design. Based on client needs, we pull together a hand picked team to deliver exactly what they need, when they need it.
Our super power is empathy. We find what makes your brand truly original.
Speaking to my journey…
As an individual who never found his footing in corporate positions, no, the shift to self employment at first was easy-peasy.
The hard part has been refining and thus, growing, and most importantly, sticking it out thorough the tough times.
Do I have all the answers? No. But I seek to partner with folks who are brilliant in their fields, in other words, geeks.
Those are the people who will always be better than me, and more inspired than me. As the Creative Director, when charged with the task of developing business, I seek out opportunities to bring inspired folks to the table showcase their talents.
Lesson learned:
– Love yourself and the rest will fall into place.
– Apply pressure to inspire real growth.
– Persistence is crucial.
– Talk less, observe more.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I moved here 5 months ago so the list is short but…
– For starters, my place. I love to host, and create a comfortable, exciting environment for folks I adore.
– ESP Hifi for a curated listening experience with like minded, groovy people
– Mutiny Information cafe because every time I find myself there, I find exciting random stuff. That, and being amongst thousands of books is calming to me.
– Aspen. Ski/board? Duh. But during the fall is especially beautiful when the trees change color. Stunning.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
All 4 of my parents, for without my adoption being what it was, my path would not have unfolded as it has.
The mentors (many of which are great friends) who, amidst putting up with me, have graciously shown me the way.
The Founders of the Drake Bay Getaway for seeing me as clearly as they did, and inspiring growth.
Selfishly, myself for (eventually) understanding the importance of pressure points, both internal and external.
Instagram: studio_301_
1 Comment
Thank you again, Shoutout Colorado, for providing a platform for me to illuminate elements of my journey as a Creative Director 🙂 Cheers!