There is no formula for success, but certain ingredients help

Through our work we have been constantly amazed at the incredible things people in every neighborhood are working on. What’s even more exciting is that they all have different stories, backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses. That there isn’t a single formula for success means that everyone can take their unique set of strengths and characteristics and turn it into a success story. We recently reached out to some folks we admire and asked them what characteristics they feel are responsible for their success.
I credit my success with staying true to doing what I really love. As a DJ throughout my career I feel like anytime I have doubted what I was playing or what people “wanted” to hear was when I would underperform and have anxiety, and it showed. You can feel the passion from a DJ when they are playing what the love to listen to and that makes the biggest difference in success. Read more>>
When I think about why Grace Upon Grace Project has been so successful in such a short time, I truly think it is because of our empathy. Of course I have worked hard, made connections, and set goals, but one thing that I feel sets us apart is our ability to acknowledge that some of us our more privileged than others, but that does not make us any better. We feel that it actually means we should do more to help others. Grace Upon Grace Project is not just about distributing diapers, wipes, and period products and our supporters see that. They see that we are also about truly connecting with our clients. We want to support them, to inspire them. We do everything within our power to let them know that they loved, that they are seen, and that we will walk through their difficult times with them with grace. When businesses within our community and our supporters learn about our unique approach to supporting others, they want to be a part of it. They want to be a part of the change that is happening. Read more>>
I think that focusing on building a community around a brand is always key. Whether it’s a community of clients, readers, or people who believe in the same things your brand believes in – community is everything. Read more>>
Extraordinary service. We are always looking for ways to improve the service experience. We answer unasked questions. Do we care about you and your home? Absolutely! We have systems in place to protect your home, family and pets whenever we are serving you. It’s all about honest communication and doing exactly what we say we will do. Every single time. No matter what. Read more>>
The Thornton Community Band can attribute its success to the wide variety of people that play in the band as well as support the band from the community. Having over 85+ musicians of different backgrounds all coming together in a common goal to make music is a wonderful thing! We only continue to grow each year. Read more>>
When we started our business 10+ years ago, I imaged our map to success looking like a room full of white boards, carefully drawn out with strategy and best practices to guide and govern us along the way of our new entrepreneurial path. But as the ball got rolling in our work, we never actually made it to that room I had created in my mind. Instead, we were faced with simple daily decisions about who we want to be, and what we want to offer to our clients and guests. We learned to say “yes” to the things that we felt we could do best, and “no” to the things that didn’t feel like they were a good fit. For us, we found that we could either talk about how great we are, or simply just to our best work, and let our clients decide! The single question that has governed our business and likely contributed to any success we have found, is actually pretty basic. It’s what we teach our kids…. also known as “The Golden Rule”. We are always thinking about our work in terms of what we would want, if we were our own client. Read more>>
While I tend to be hard on myself in terms of the “success” of Strong Runner Chicks as a brand (and we all define success differently), what I can say is that it comes down to one component: community. Building a space for women and girls who support one another, share stories, and empower others has been the foundation and most rewarding part of creating this brand. I notice that the energy and time I put into authentically connecting, learning, and lifting up others comes back to SRC tenfold and that those we highlight tend to help springboard our brand to reach even more of our community. While I’m nowhere near being finished and have a lot more to learn, I would say that building a brand starts with the belief in yourself and the willingness to go for it wholeheartedly. A brand is nothing without people who believe in it. Continue to invest into your community and the people who support your mission and vision. Read more>>
Although I feel many attributing factors have led to the success of my medical spa, Aesthetics and Wellness, the one that truly stands out is my ability to connect with my patients and be in the now with them. When my patients walk through my door, I make a commitment to myself that I am present with them, listening and responding to their concerns. With this daily habit, I feel my word of mouth referrals are constant and my patient retention rate is high. I’ve been in the Aesthetics industry since 2006, and other than improving on my skills, what most patients want is someone to listen to them and understand where they are in that moment. Read more>>
We want to give the customer a dog care experience that is beyond their expectation. Setting the standard high and holding it there consistently, draws clients back again and again. Read more>>
The most important factor behind my personal success is the support I have from my friends and loved ones. Not to mention the support I found through acquaintances. I feel like I am successful because of the people in my circles that have helped me grow into the photographer I am today. Read more>>
The most important factor about my success was surrendering my life to God. That has been the foundation to every aspect of my life. The decision to follow Jesus has transformed my life for the better. It’s been a nine year journey of walking by faith. Read more>>
For me it has always been follow up and communication. That is something that I look for in almost anything I do, wether it be hiring a someone to do work at my home, or in a relationship (friendship, partnership & family). If someone contacts me for work, I am going to follow up. Let them know, A. Can I do what you’re asking? B. When can I start and hope to complete this task. Then throughout the project I am going to communicate as much as I can every step of the way of what and when I can deliver, things I need from them, and also to discuss any issues or ‘bumps in the road’ that come up. It’s important to communicate wether it be good or bad so at least everyone knows where we stand on the project. I have heard from many of my clients that they appreciate the follow up and communication and it actually pushes them to deliver things sooner or think through some ideas and concepts that they hadn’t originally thought of. Read more>>
We have found that in our journey to success, it is nearly impossible to have a one size fits all success factor. However, our why is what motivates us every day to get up and press on. We have a mission to help people and do everything we can to make this world at least 1% better. Whether that is through chiropractic care, education, finding resources for them, showing them some love, or just listening. If we are making a difference in someone else’s life, that’s pretty successful in our book. Read more>>