What role has risk taking played in your life or career?

In our experience, most folks, including ourselves don’t have enough of an understanding of risk and the role it plays in our lives and careers and so we have made a concerted effort as a team to have conversations about risk with our interviewees. We’ve shared some highlights below.

Lynnea Aragon | Entrepreneur & Model

Taking risks is so important in all aspects of your life. Without taking them, you’ll rarely be able to grow whether that be in your personal or professional life. Every risk I have taken has been worth it and put me on a path that I am so proud of. I would not have my own business, graduated early, or be a model if I had not taken a risk. Read more>>

Stephanie Zambo | Residential Real Estate Agent

As with any business owner you have to take risks to get started. I had to let go of fear and old truths to start my business. One big risk was letting go of.a very comfortable salaried position as the Business Manager for a family law firm in the middle of a pandemic. I knew my potential but as we all know, money is a big stressor. Read more>>

Kat Lam | Artist & Creative Director

For the majority of my life, I’ve had a pretty healthy relationship with risk and choosing to do things that make me uncomfortable. Often times the safer decisions are ones that offer you comfort because the number of unknowns is pretty low. I prefer to take risks because they encourage growth—the last thing I’d want for myself or anyone with a passion they’re pursuing is to become complacent. Read more>>

Gayle Kwan | interiors workroom owner

I was divorced with 2 young kids after taking 10 yrs off to be a stay at home mom. I wasn’t sure even if I had money or a place to live, but I knew I would be ok. That was the first “risk” that drove me to take the next risk, and the next and the next. I believe adversity can be our friend. It’s what lays the challenge out our feet to say, “what are you made of?” Sometimes its a sink or swim situation and I knew without a doubt that I could swim. Read more>>

Marcus Connolly | Adventure Photographer

As a passionate outdoorsman/photographer, I spend quite a bit of time in some of the most remote and rugged places this side of the Rio Grande. Every time I leave civilization and cell phone service behind, what I think about the most are all the ways things can go wrong. Read more>>

Amanda Driscoll | Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor, & Confidence Coach

Don’t get me wrong- risk is SCARY! But I’ve always had the mindset that staying in the same place feels much scarier. The only way you’re guaranteed to not make the life you dream of, get the job you want, move to the city you want to live in, etc. is to just not take any action. Sure you might “fail”, that’s always a risk, but even if the result isn’t exactly what you imagined, it will most likely push you into something even greater, or at least teach you something. Read more>>

Karen Sugar | Founder, Visionary, Teacher

The idea of risk, taking risks, assessing risk can be debilitating. It creates doubt, fear, and ultimately can derail hopes, dreams and success. Considering risk is a very ‘western’ practice, many people around the world don’t have the luxury of considering risk, choosing a safer option; most people are forced to take risks, often with their lives every day. We should also consider this reality. Read more>>

Augustus McGarraugh | Hunting & Fishing Guide/outfitter

I know for a fact that I would not be where I am today without taking risks. My business started with one phone call out of left field that a sane person would have brushed off without a second thought. I saw an opportunity to try something new and even though it was terrifying, the adventure was exactly what I needed. Read more>>

Marissa Neathery | Music Therapist, MT-BC

I’ve been privileged enough to take risks in my personal and professional life. I knew that starting Resonate Music Therapy, as with any business, was going to involve risk, especially after just graduating college. A few well-meaning supervisors and teachers told me I should wait a few years before starting my own practice- they emphasized the risk, as well as the importance of gaining supervision before starting a practice solo. But I’m glad I tried anyways. Read more>>

Wendy Constantine | Artist, Designer, Printmaker

Every time I submit my work to a gallery show, present a design concept, invest in the tools I need or simply click the shutter when taking a photograph there’s risk. The risk of being rejected, or not financially rewarded for my creative efforts, is very real and it gets easier the more frequently I do it. The rejections and critique have helped my vision grow stronger and pushed my work forward faster than easy wins and praise. Read more>>

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