We had the good fortune of connecting with Song River and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Song, we’d love for you to start things off by telling us something about your industry that we and others not in the industry might be unaware of?
There are many challenges to finding solutions and the hours it takes sometimes. Working in an industry that is still trying to find its niche and pace in this tech-savvy world keeps you on your toes. You have to put in the time to listen, watch, and try other modalities to assist your clients’ music in being seen and heard. This takes at times a great deal of patience to dive into and discover. There are different approaches with bands that are on major labels, or on independent labels, or who may be completely running their own band. Where a band is in their development and the latest technology to be seen/heard takes dedication and a work ethic from their publicist.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
Being a woman in a very male-dominated industry is changing and it is changing for the better! When I began over 25 years ago as a photojournalist I never imagined where my love for music would take me. Being able to photograph and interview hundreds of bands over the years was a large part of my life. And fighting off inappropriate suggestions and violations of one’s space was much harder in my younger years.

For a short amount of time, I did leave the industry and began writing speeches for political pundits, and OpEd opinion pieces through three administrations. Talk about a learning lesson! However, politics being the old rat that it is couldn’t hold me or my ear for the thing I loved most – music. After my oldest brother, who was a musician, passed away in his early 50’s I decided to go back and be involved in the idea and building stage of bands. I had worked closely with several bands and musicians prior in my early career who are very well known but in coming back it was the pull to find and develop the next generation of sound. Music is fluid and it must continually be nurtured along. Music must morph, expand, change, and bring forth the new bands, the new sounds (sometimes with the old twists) and continue to assist the seasoned and well-seasoned with their goals and dreams.

This industry is not an easy industry but then again – is anything in this life you want bad enough easy? Thank goodness it hasn’t been. It has been a blessing to be able to see clearly through the eyes of others and to understand what it has taken for them to reach their continual forward motion. I am learning and still learning and don’t ever plan to stop learning!

Regularly I try to offer good advice to the bands my company works with. The bottom line is I want my brand to stand out as a music publicist to say – We believe in honesty, transparency, hard work, team efforts, patience, and REPEAT this list all over again and again! Too many land sharks making promises they cannot be kept is never acceptable and our company will not accept anything less.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Well, the area is timeless, and loving the outdoors would safely find us taking long drives to see the sites and experience all there is to offer! I do like the Denver Art Museum, love Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre, The area is a foodie mecca too! Garden of the Gods is a great place to take someone visiting and easy hikes along Wild Basin, and Devils Head Lookout are good. Honestly, a week is not long enough.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
To be successful at anything takes a village! My faith in God to know He sees my value and gifts, plus He gave me the ability to genuinely care about honesty and hard work. Both of my daughter’s support and encouragement to stretch me constantly, to be great sounding boards when needed, and my cheerleaders! Of course, though it really is the bands and musicians I want most to give a shout out to. Without their passion for music and love for what they do… well what would this world do? When I think of the hardships so many of the bands went through during COVID without being able to tour or play shows but they kept on making their music. Musicians constantly show me what passion is and they all have amazed me over the years! More often than not, my clients become more than clients… they are family and we talk regularly about many things.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CowGirlZen.Entertainment

Image Credits
Anneille Little Johnnie Sommer Joey Gentry Karim Khorsheed Fire Follows Chris Echols Ashanti Daur JT Ibanez

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutColorado is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.