Meet Sorinne Ardeleanu | Guide & Metaphysician

We had the good fortune of connecting with Sorinne Ardeleanu and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Sorinne, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
I had been relatively financially successful working for others early on in my adulthood, yet ultimately sensed I was merely a means to their’ ends. I was feeling unfulfilled and at odds with myself at a deep level. For the most part, I had always been handpicked for the positions I worked; interviews and resumes being a formality. I have a naturally magnetic personality because of my love of all kinds of people, and I was great at selling anything I was passionate about. It took me some time to realize that most everyone I worked for didn’t actually care about me, our clients, or long term bigger picture consequences of living out of integrity; they seemed to prioritize growing their bank accounts no matter the method.
As a younger adult, I helped start and worked for many smaller businesses and some start ups, including an art gallery and nightclub, so I was around the entrepreneur mindset often… especially in the Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area where I’ve lived for over 3 decades. My parents have both been entrepreneurs and I began experimenting with being an entrepreneur during my childhood, so the concept of being creative and taking calculated financial risks was a concept engrained in me as normal. I was also used to working in commission based environments where I only get paid for the results I produce.
Starting my own business as an adult and giving up the W-2 way of life has been about living with integrity and serving Life for me. I wanted the freedom to always be able to do what I want, when I want, how I want, and with whomever I want… including doing what I believe is right action for me and the people I do business with. Most importantly, I wanted to be able to sleep peacefully at night. I had realized that making lots of money didn’t bring me much peace when it meant compromising my values and putting up with unsavory characters to close a deal or get a paycheck. I also knew I had a higher purpose, which included being more creative, and I wanted to start exploring and living that purpose 24/7/365.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
I help people figure out how to navigate their lives in ways that are personal for them and in harmony with Nature’s Laws. I teach universal principles behind various techniques in order that whomever I work with will be able to figure out how to improve upon any circumstance on their own. My goal is to always promote independence versus codependence with whomever engages me.
My business model is atypical from what I’ve observed, in that I don’t require long-term commitments and I refuse to work with people who aren’t willing to do the necessary work to get the results they desire in their lives. I give thought-provoking homework after each client meeting too.
Because I work with energy and take a holistic approach to progress, my methods may be a bit unorthodox at times. I treat every individual and circumstance uniquely and I integrate all my skills and resources to be of the most service, adapting however is most appropriate and trusting my intuition. I care deeply about living what I teach/preach/sell because I know I can only help people overcome that which I have already overcome, so it’s essential for me to always live my talk and to keep evolving in consciousness.
Getting to this place has not been easy, but it has been worthwhile as I get back from Life more than I put in when I focus on being of the greatest service possible. I get to plant seeds of love, logic, and liberty in fertile and receptive minds and I get to be a catalyst for living in a more harmonious and conscious world. It’s exciting to think about future generations living more in harmony with each other and Nature because of the work I do. It has required thousands of hours of education in various social and physical sciences, as well as theology… which has made me a better person, leader, and guide. I continue to study daily as I realize that it’s not only necessary for me to be successful in business, but also to be successful in my personal life.
Fortunately, because I’ve been learning and sharing about how to live in harmony with Nature, I’ve been able to overcome challenges by applying what I share with others. Every time I work with someone as their guide or mentor, or create an educational program, I’m also making a positive impression on myself… inclining me to live my talk even more.
The hardest part of my journey has been coming to believe in myself, my visions and my abilities. For a long time I wanted someone to partner with or to lead the way, so I placed people on pedestals that didn’t deserve it and I have been burned by that choice financially and emotionally. Fortunately because I’ve continued to study, apply, and share what I learn and live with others about living a fulfilling life with integrity, I’ve overcome that tendency and have been able to heal and help others heal and avoid being burned in simliar ways.
Parts of my journey have been easy. I’ve found that doors open without asking when I’m true to myself and focusing on how to be of service to Life without being attached to the hows. I’ve learned that there are many paths to the same place and to trust the flow and process of Life instead of forcing my way or living in fear.
I’m now at a place in my life where I am grateful for ALL of my experiences and am able to see them as beneficial… because I know they are all contributing to the Evolution of Consciousness and I am honored I get a part to play in the Whole.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I’m mostly about spending time in nature, living a healthy and balanced life, especially when it comes to spending time with friends. If one of my friends was coming to stay with me for a week and I was asked to plan some activities… I would consider taking them hiking, to the zoo, to the botanical and rose gardens, to a beach, and to an outdoor inspiring concert. I’m definitely a fan of live positive music and have traveled around the world to attend great performances. I recently experienced the Buggles and Seal perform at Belco Theatre in Denver and was a bit blown away by how intimate Seal got with the audience and how moving his words were, not just the ones in his songs.
I’m pretty low key though and would want to spend most of the time having deep conversations about Life more so than doing lots of activities. Connection matters more to me than any of the physical stuff that comes and goes. My friends mean a lot to me and I’d rather deepen our relationships in person than concern myself with planning a perfect itinerary. I personally prefer to wing it and give them options, including that we don’t have to do anything if they just want to chill and catch up.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Many people and their work have helped me get to where I am today. I love to connect with people from all walks of life and to learn from their experiences. Everyone I’ve ever met has made some sort of impression on me that has led me to where I am today and I appreciate them all regardless if our interactions were sweet, sour, hot, cold, short, or long. I’ve learned a lot about myself from the people that have hurt me the most, so I appreciate them as teachers.
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, Bob Proctor, John Ratey, MD, Bernie Siegel, MD, Dr. Sue Morter, LaRae Quy, and Michael Gelb are all best selling authors and experts in their fields that have gone out of their way to support my creative entrepreneurial efforts over the years. I sense that they have paved the way for me and others like me to be more successful in being of service to Life in a sustainable manner.
Dr. Ernest Holmes, in spirit, has made a profound impact on my life through his work, especially his book The Science of Mind.
Also the works of Rudolf Steiner, Eugene Fersen, Christiane Northrup, William Walker Atkinson, Nisargadatta Maharaj, James Allen, Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, and Stephen F. Austin (Principles of Drama Therapy) have probably been the most influential in my life.