Shoot your shot? Take a chance? Society bombards us with messages, phrases, examples and stories of how taking risk is the key to success, but is anything ever that simple? We asked some of the brightest folks we know to tell us about how they think about risk. We’ve shared their responses below.
Risk is a funny term to me.. because generally if I feel apprehension around something I’m creating then I’m on the right path. When I was younger I had a different interpretation of risk and leaned into it as much as I could for adrenaline, I’ve since had a different approximation of what risk is. For instance for many years I didn’t take risks in my work because I felt adhering to a certain style or trend was necessary. Read more>>
David Manak | Photographer
Risks to me are the definition of adventure! I believe we should strive to aim for the highest mark we can and see where we land. I’m truly the individual who is fulfilled by a phrase “Unknown things must be tried”! Because of this philosophy I’ve been able to create a business that has no limits and provides a steady pace of adventure. As we all know a percentage of risks we take don’t end successfully, however, the learning process is the goal. Read more>>
Christiaan Syddall | Musician
Risk taking was always a big part of doing anything outside of the box. Life is risky, getting in your car and driving is risky. You just have to be willing to choose what risk you’re willing to take. Career wise risk is what has gotten me to where I am at. Sacrifice and risking other avenues for the foreseeable future. Read more>>
Christina Walter | Medium, Shamanic Practitioner & Artist
Risk usually means following my heart over my head. And as someone who works with intuition and creativity, I can tell you that following the heart is vital for both. Any artist, writer or creative will tell you that creativity can be crushed by the analytic mind and “playing it safe,” as the mind prefers to do. When an artist gets locked into a style or technique, the art often becomes stagnant. Art is all about taking risks and trying new approaches, so embracing change and flowing with it are essential to creating art that is fresh and alive. Read more>>
Linden Wilson | Wedding & Elopement Photographer
There’s always risk in starting your own business and in my case, I found what I was passionate about and it became a career. As I was starting out and well into my career as a wedding photographer, I was also working full time as a Marketing Director at a custom home building company. Last year, I took the leap to focus solely on my personal photography business and doing what I love. Read more>>
Amanda Frederick | Registered Nurse & Somatic Relationship Coach
I think risk taking is necessary for any type of growth. To me, being comfortable taking risks means having a solid relationship with the unknown because when we take a risk, there’s always going to be a bit of mystery on the other side of the decision. I have a very optimistic and “best case scenario,” attitude (which can at times be a detriment) but for risk taking this is what I lean into. Read more>>
Sarah Bennett | Healthcare Quality Professional & Artist
When it comes to thinking about risk, I’m guided by the motto: “It’s never too late.” This philosophy has deeply influenced my approach to both my personal life and my career. I believe that embracing risk is not just about seeking out big, bold opportunities; it’s about staying open to new challenges and learning experiences at any stage in life. Read more>>
Jaclyn Salts | Landscape Designer + Consulting Arborist
Earlier in my career I was much more risk adverse and while I had done some moonlighting, I was never ready to take the full leap. The pandemic really showed me that it isn’t more secure to rely on others for your employment. As I have become self employed, I feel that I actually have more control over my financial situation because I can always work more, pick up sub work, or even pick up an additional job when things get hard. Read more>>
Kristin Mauri | Owner of ShoeFly a boutique in Boulder and owner of Luvlapin and online women’s boutique
I’m naturally inclined to take risks—not recklessly, but carefully calculated ones. I’ve changed careers three times, and each risk led me on a unique and rewarding journey. These experiences have allowed me to travel the world, speak to large audiences, and fully embrace my creativity and passion for fashion. Of course, there have been challenges along the way, but every risk I’ve taken has been worth the new direction my life has taken. Read more>>
Elora Schrader | Tattoo Artist
I feel like tattooing definitely involves a lot of risk taking, and has been that way since the very beginning. We take risks with our bodies, our health and our art, all in the hopes that it pays off in the end. From the risk of moving to a new shop or starting your own, to the risk of exploring new styles and stepping out of our comfort zone, growth comes from stepping out of our comfort zones. Read more>>