Meet Madison Stewart | Operations Manager\Owner

We had the good fortune of connecting with Madison Stewart and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Madison, maybe we can start at the very start – the idea – how did you come up with the idea for your business?
1. I dated a Scottish man from the UK which provided the perfect opportunity for me to travel back and forth; on my first visit I was introduced to this outstanding candy they called Scottish tablet, my first taste was at a farmers’ market at the base of Edinburgh castle, it was melty and sweet, buttery, soft and just a bit grainy, I didn’t know what it was at that moment, but I loved it! I also discovered these fabulous Scottish caramels at the airport, that did not taste like any caramel I’d ever had, they were in a very nice tin, that was the first thing to catch my eye, then man at the shop let me taste them and I bought 6 tins that day to bring back to the states with me.
I would stock up on Scottish caramels and tablet each time I’d visit, but it was never enough for me or my friends and family.
Once my pond hopping days were behind me for a while, I started to focus on my job, and realized that I was not very happy with it, it was a stable position, decent raises, sick days, weeks of vacation each year and room to advance still, I needed more.
The Colorado chocolate festival was coming up in a couple of months, we had found some recipes weeks earlier and made the candy for ourselves with success and since everyone I’d given some to was begging for more, this lead me to think that I could sell that great candy.
I gathered the family, told them my idea, they said they would help and I went to work learning how to start a candy business and attend this festival…in two months.
We went to the chocolate festival and to my surprise had a line 3 people deep that extended past our neighbors booth, we sold out of almost everything.
I think the family thought this would be a one-time-thing, or a hobby to keep me busy, lol.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
3. Professionally I’ve been fortunate to have had a wide variety of occupations. In no particular order, I was an interior designer for two upscale chains, the deputy adjutant and HR manager at the defense language institute, a (paid) model, the general manager of a high yield Mc Donald’s, nearly 2 decades in US Army as a combat medic, then after law school, the JAG Corp, finally, finding a niche in the candy business and most recently creating a skincare line that is current selling.
Was it easy?
Easy…no, there was a lot of failure before stability, it became easier for me when I started realized that whoever the “old” me was when I was doing whatever, I could not fully bring that person to the next experience, their time was over, the model could not be the deputy adjutant and the interior designer could never be the combat medic, without adjustment.
What I would like the world to know is, we think treats are a necessary, pleasant part of life, and that a treat should be special, a nicely packaged little something that gives you a little smile, The House of Stewart is working to create just that.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
The highlights of this trip must include a trip to Garden of the Gods, make a day of it! Get bagels and coffee for the ride to Colorado Springs, spend the afternoon walking in beauty and peace at Garden of the Gods and catching up with a good friend.
Mountain air can take it out of you so next day a late start, then some girl time at the spa getting what we need, then dinner at Barolo grill.
I love the mountains, hopefully my friend does also because next I’d say Estes Park, it’s a beautiful drive, with interesting shops and all dining along the way.
Now if she’s had enough of the great outdoors I’d suggest the cabaret show a the Clocktower downtown, it has been a while since I was there, but the show was very good.
A nice way to wind things up would be a barbeque, invite my newer friends to meet my old friend, good food, good drink, good friends.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My sons deserve credit for working more than a few very late night and endless long days even those days when there was no money they worked, also my friend Laura for giving up more than a few weekends to help bridge a labor gap. Without them…I don’t know what pivot I would have made, I’m just very grateful that they were there and believed in what we were doing enough to help move it forward.