What was your thought process behind starting your own business?

Starting a business is a commitment and requires dedication, resources and sacrifice. We asked some of the rising stars in our community how they thought through the idea of starting their own businesses.
Starting Zelda Coffee Bar was a journey deeply rooted in our family’s love and memories. The name “Zelda” comes from our beloved dog, a boxer named Zelda, who was an incredible source of joy and energy. She filled our home with happiness and love, and we wanted to carry her spirit into our business. The thought process behind starting our own coffee business was inspired by the same zest for life that Zelda had. Read more>>
I’ll start from the beginning! Baking has always been a passion of mine. My biggest childhood memories consist of baking cookies with my mom, or pound cake, cookies or pies with my sister and Oma. My Oma’s family moved to California from the Netherlands when she was a teen and her mom worked in Artisian Bakery out in California. A lot of my recipes come from her and my mom! In high school baking fun cupcakes for friends and family became a hobby of mine. I dreamed of opening my own bakery one day but knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, and that likely wouldn’t be the best route right away. So I pursued teaching instead, in which found another passion of working with at-risk youth. Read more>>
I’ve been in the car business for a very long time. I’ve always had a great interest in cars, and so they naturally went on to inspire my further career. That inner passion toward automobiles has driven my way through the industry. Read more>>
We are Sam and Jennie of Desert Fox Ceramics! Sam is a generational potter who started throwing when he was fifteen years old, with a focus on making pieces that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. He has worked at three pottery studios across the country since graduating college. I am a self-taught creative who started drawing and painting at a young age, with a focus on exploration of colors and textures to depict nature. We went to college together and reconnected in 2021, dating long distance between Utah and Colorado. In our free time, we summit mountains, climb cliffs, camp under the stars, and roam wild landscapes with our adventure pup Cahya. Read more>>
My husband grew up in a bar, spending many afternoons after school at small town taverns in northeast Nebraska with Grandpa Marv. With decades of experience in the service industry–from dive bars to high-end cocktail bars–opening his own spot was a natural progression. For me, the path was less direct. Even though I am my husband’s biggest cheerleader, my background was in government and politics, particularly in outreach and advocacy, and I wasn’t initially enthusiastic about owning bars. However, while these two lines of work might seem worlds apart, both center on taking care of people and building community, which is what ultimately led us to go for it. Read more>>
I had a dream and vision since I was a little girl about what it would feel like to have my own Irish Dance academy. I didn’t ever think I could make it happen. As I grew into myself, gained experience, confidence, business savvy, etc, I started to trust myself to realize this dream. I took the steps to pass my TCRG exam and shocked myself when I passed! 1 year later, I had my first class of students. I still cannot believe this is my life, but I couldn’t do this alone. It takes a community of people that you can lean on. Yes, it is my business, but it has taken a life form of its own and that is the most beautiful and magical part of all. Read more>>
I come from generations of entrepreneurs so I have always been curious what it would look like for me to start something after watching both of my parents and their parents do so. For the last 14 years, I have worked in software full-time and fitness part-time and have always felt a bit misaligned in my work in software. I knew that I loved leading highly motivated, people and creating new products in the world, but I wondered if I could do so in an even more personal way. And from that curiosity, Ritual was born. Read more>>
Early in motherhood, I was spending a ton of time capturing moments of my kids with my phone camera. Most of the photos weren’t great and I never felt like I captured what I saw. I realized that I wanted to understand the art and science of photography in order to capture our everyday moments with more sophistication. Read more>>
I’m an entrepreneur at heart. As a child, I sold snacks at sporting events, setting up my own store on the fly. As an adult, my identity became my business venture. I was a professional mountain bike racer, and like any pro athlete, I capitalized on my persona in addition to my competitive achievements. From there, I found my niche in television, particularly on-camera sales. From the Home Shopping Network to infomercials, direct-to-consumer marketing came naturally to me. Ultimately, I knew I wanted to create my own product line that would serve the greater good and deliver on its promise. When I was introduced to the science of biodesigned elastin, it all just clicked. Without hesitation, I did everything in my power to bring NULASTIN® to market. Read more>>
I always thought of myself as a successful businesswoman and consistently excelled in the workplace; but, I knew I had a greater purpose in life. My entrepreneur journey started after having my two little boys and having to return to work after only two weeks of maternity leave. Being the provider for my family, I knew I was deserving of more and started a journey of self-discovery to understand what my purpose was. After thinking about my strengths, skills, and passions I started to define what my business was going to be. I transformed my purpose into a business which was to help others define who they truly are. I started the business as a consulting agency for personal brands and it has transformed into an holistic marketing agency that encompasses the same core values of self discovery, transformation, and showing up as your best self. Read more>>
Velorum is an Opulent Apothecary, made with love by Yuna Velorum Blu. Created in quarantine of 2020, after finding ancient healing remedies to treat anxiety, depression & PTSD; I started growing over 25+ types of psychedelic mushrooms inside of my downtown apartment. Testing each one for their unique effects & life enhancing capabilities. Hoping to find a way to naturally heal from traumatic events without opioids or anti-depressant prescriptions. Read more>>
I knew I had a passion for makeup and wanted to turn it into a career, so the traditional 4 years of college wasn’t for me. I attended Cinema Makeup School. It was there that I learned valuable skills as well as knowledge on the makeup industry. In this profession, most artists are freelancers so that prompted me to start my business. I also felt very supported by my parents and that gave me a lot of confidence too. Read more>>
My thought process behind starting my own business has Been very challenging I must say , I love what I do and I put my all into my company I have the passion drive and the power in me ,I work long hours ,I work 7 days a week so my thoughts is powerful and strong about starting my business Read more>>
Tape and Twine started out of a concept in my garage. For a few years, I had been doing shipping and fulfillment out of my garage for e-commerce businesses. Mostly self publishing authors, but then I picked up a few clients that sold goods and the space I had was just not enough. We started looking into warehouse space, but ultimately it was costly and difficult to find close to hone. As I did more research, we realized the lack of a all in one shipping location. As I was having to go drop off my orders, I would have to go to multiple locations and it was just time consuming. After doing more research we found a business model for a shipping and printing store that was not a franchise. I was very interested in this model as I really did not want to be tied to a franchise, I wanted to make something that worked for my community and I knew a cookie cutter approach was not it. Read more>>
My thought process behind starting Asivana Yoga was driven by my passion for yoga and the desire to bring people together. I envisioned creating a space where fellow yogis could learn, discover, and connect with themselves and others. I wanted to provide a supportive community with high-quality resources and products that enhance the yoga experience. By bringing people together with self, knowledge, and the materials we need for our yoga practice, I hope to serve yoga practitioners on their hero’s journey. Read more>>
I had recently wrapped up a six-week UX design contract with a university. It had been almost a year since I had been laid off from my agency job (at the beginning of my parental leave), which was devastating. And I had spent the entire year as a stay-at-home dad. I accepted the contract with a “next Monday” start date and with no real plan for childcare, but my partner and I knew we would work it out. Read more>>
Starting Milk Maker Collective was actually something that came about around 3am, roughly 2 months post-partum.
I had been looking at my options for breastmilk jewelry, and everything was so out of my price range, as a new stay-at-home-mom, figuring out how to navigate one income for the first time. So I decided..”let’s make your own, you can totally do it!”. And then I did, and I continued to make more, figuring out how to perfect it. Read more>>
June Everett filed the paperwork to start Backpack Society back in 2019, she had grown up in Southern Colorado in a low-income area and always wanted to give back in some way. She talked to her husband about wanting to help kids who might be facing food insecurity and he suggested she go talk to their local school to see if there was a need close to them. So, June spoke with ThunderRidge High School in Highlands Ranch, Colorado and they said they had several families on free and reduced lunch and could definitely use food support on weekends and school breaks. So, it was decided the school would hold a food drive and the program would be kicked off with those families right after spring break. Unfortunately, the pandemic hit and the students didn’t return back to school, but they had already had the food drive. So, June decided these kids were even more in need of food support given they weren’t at school now so she started delivering boxes of food to the students doors and then eventually meeting them in a church parking lot so they could pick up boxes of food. Once students were able to go back to school then we could carry out the program how it was first envisioned. Students who signed up for the program receive a bag of food to put in their backpacks every Friday so they have enough food to get them through the weekend. We also continued the boxes of food and families can come pick up a box of fresh food every week they signed up on Thursday evenings to help them get through the weekend. We are now in over 48 schools in Douglas County, Littleton and Englewood School Districts serving kids with our student bag program and box program. We also have a crisis box program so that students and families who are in crisis whether because of a house fire or a student is couch surfing we have ready to go boxes with enough food and toiletries to get through 24 hours. Our last program is our school pantry program where we provide little snacks so that teachers aren’t buying snacks for kids who don’t have any, instead we provide schools with little snacks to give to students who don’t have any. Students and families can sign up on our website to receive bags of food that are delivered to their schools and/or to pick up family boxes of food every week on Thursday evenings. We are also opening a marketplace where families can come and “shop” for their own food. I got involved with Backpack Society in 2022 and have truly enjoyed my time helping us expand into Littleton and Englewood school districts and into more schools in Douglas County. Read more>>
I’ve always felt I was supposed to be my own boss and after finishing my Masters in Integrated Media Arts I felt it was the right time to start growing something. I’ve always had a love for sewing and fiber arts ever since my great grandmother taught me to crochet around nine years old. I started making knit dresses after making my first one for my graduation, and then I just couldn’t stop making them. The idea kind of just started growing more and more from there. Read more>>
My thought process behind starting my business was always focused on the idea of doing something I love, making it mine, and sharing it with others. Skincare was something I was always passionate about, and I remember looking at estheticians and thinking, wow, what a fun career. When I finally took the leap of faith and went back to school to become an esthetician, I knew that I was doing it solely for myself. I was not doing this to work for someone else. I wanted to open my solo practice, gain my own clientele, and set my own schedule and prices. I wanted to share my passion with my friends and family and anyone who came to me with trust. I slowly started to plan ahead. I bought all my equipment before I even graduated, rented an office space, and set it all up. I kept working my 9-5 job to help fund this dream. I managed to create a schedule that works for my business and my job while I continue to grow and learn. By the time I graduated and received my license, I was completely set at my location and ready to start providing services. I started with my friends and family and made sure to always market myself on social media. Instagram and Facebook helped me alot in gaining clients and also word of mouth. To this day, I continue to work at my own pace, I continue to learn new things and I implement everything in my practice and continue to enjoy what I do to the fullest while learning “business” and everything that comes with it. Read more>>
Starting my own tattoo studio was a move towards creating a safe space with fair treatment that also allowed for work life balance. After working in many toxic work environments, I came to the conclusion that the best solution was to be the change I wanted to see. While the amount of female tattooists have grown drastically, 10 years ago it was a rarity and often a path littered with mistreatment and abuse by male tattooists. I think that my studio, and those of many other female tattooists like me, have created a path for anyone with the drive and ability to pursue this passion, to do so without hazing or harassment. Read more>>
The idea of getting into logistics came to me in a rather unexpected but profound moment. I was sitting in a room, looking around, and it struck me that everything I could see—from the bricks in the walls to the simple pencil on the table—had been transported by a truck at some point in its journey. This realization sparked a deep interest in the logistics industry. It made me appreciate the vital role that trucking plays in our economy and daily lives. From that moment, I was inspired to create a business that could contribute to this essential industry. I wanted to build a company that not only facilitated the movement of goods but also embraced innovation and sustainability, driving the logistics industry forward. Read more>>
I honestly had no plans of starting what is now Skatestart. I was a personal trainer and golf fitness instructor running skateboard programs on the side. I invented a teaching tool which became the kicker to really make something happen. I basically had to run things on a trial basis for a couple years but now I’m twelve years in! It’s crazy that this is my “job”. I get to travel all over Colorado helping kids do something positive and have had cool opportunities helping communities throughout the country. The next step is focusing on hopefully getting my patented skateboards to the masses. Read more>>